And that they put upon the fringe of the borders a riband of blue; or a blue lace, a piece of blue tape, which bound and kept the fringe tight and close, and being AAT: tassel corner string violet; AB: tassel corner cord blue; ASV: fringe border cord blue; DHB: tassel corners lace blue; EBR: fringe DHB, tassel, corners, lace, blue IV, fringe, borders, ribband, blue 13 3 2 2 2 1, cord thread string lace ribband ribbon rope, 32 9 1, blue violet purple There is an archaic word, riband (with one b), which means"a decorative ribbon". That they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue - Reader that they the fringe of the borders a riband of blue; or a blue lace, a piece of blue tape,
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